The ASSOCIATION DES AMIS DE MOREAU DE TOURS Loi 1901 was created in 2021 by
Monique RICCARDI-CUBITT French-born British art historian, graduate of the Courtauld Institute, University of London, who lived in Georges Moreau de Tours’s former house in Paris.
- Le peintre Georges Moreau de Tours (1848-1901) et sa famille entre Paris et Bois-le-Roi, for the Fontainebleau Revue d’Histoire de la ville et de sa région n°19, mai 2021, Société d’histoire de Fontainebleau et de sa région
- Bois-le-Roi, village d’art. Les artistes de la Bohème dans la collection de la mairie, Fontainebleau Revue d’Histoire de la ville et de sa région, N. 22, 28th October 2022

- La vie de Bohème à Bois-le-Roi. Art, politique et naturalisme , Éditions du Puits Fleuri, Héricy, 15th November 2022

- Le Cheval Blanc. Relais de Poste à Chailly-en-Bière & Première auberge de l’École de Barbizon, Éditions du Puits Fleuri, Héricy, novembre 2023

- Dr. Jean-Pierre LUAUTÉ Honorary Psychiatrist in hospitals, member de la Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine (SFHM) and former President of the Société Médico Psychologique (SMP), author and et director of the biography Les Moreau de Tours, Editions Glyphe, Paris, 2018

The Association aims to promote the work, life and family of Georges MOREAU DE TOURS and of his wife Thérèse de CHAMP RENAUD, MOREAU DE TOURS, as well as their circle of friends between Paris and Bois-le-Roi.
The Association will organise lectures, seminars and visits planned around an exhibition in Paris of the works of Georges MOREAU DE TOURS and Thérèse de CHAMP RENAUD MOREAU DE TOURS, and of the artists who lived at Bois-le-Roi.
What the Association has already accomplished
Thanks to the Founder Chairwoman, Monique Riccardi-Cubitt’s original research since 2018 on Georges Moreau de Tours’s life and work, and further to the publication of her article Le peintre Georges Moreau de Tours (1848-1901) et sa famille entre Paris et Bois-le-Roi, Fontainebleau Revue d’Histoire de la ville et de sa région n°19, mai 2021, Société d’histoire de Fontainebleau et de sa région, important steps were taken :

- Restoration and upkeep of Georges Moreau de Tours’s family tomb in Bois-le-Roi cemetery.
- Georges Moreau de Tours’s family tomb in Bois-le-Roi cemetery was restored by the Mairie in 2020. Since the Association has taken on its upkeep and twice a year adds plants and flowers on All Saints day and in the Spring.

oil on canvas, Concours du Prix de Rome 1878, Mairie de Bois-le-Roi, © Jean-Philippe Guibert
- Listing under the Historical Monuments Act of Georges MOREAU DE TOURS’s painting, Ptolemy at the tomb of Alexander realized for the Concours du Prix de Rome in 1878, in the collection of the Bois-le-Roi Mairie by decree of the Ministère de la Culture on April 13th 2021: “ The history painting Ptolemy at the tomb of Alexander ,Moreau de Tours chose to depict in the academic tradition sheds a light on the whole of his artistic ouput.”, according to the case file of the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France, following the intervention of Domitille Cès, Conservateur délégué des antiquité et objets d’art de Seine-et-Marne.